Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I'm feeling a difference

I saw three presentations yesterday, all about content.

This was a blessed relief.

I have read the ENGInE spec and it was dull. This is not a criticism. It's a document that wasn't created for entertainment. But I'm sure you can imagine that much of my work revolves around detail and the nitty gritty.

Content, however, is a completely different kettle of fish or at least it should be.

That's why the prospect of a day of reviewing content would seem to be better than the day job.

For six hours we looked at content, and I can't give you my reaction to it yet because Juergen hasn't seen it yet. But I will share some adjectives that I think can be used to describe the content of one of the presentations.
  • Interesting
  • Challenging
  • Different
  • Innovative
  • Unique
  • Un-Ford
  • Colourful
  • Difficult
  • Extensive
  • Pervasive
  • Noninvasive
And while we're on the subject of words, I'd like to state, for the record, that tangibilize is not a word. Unless of course you believe that words entered by the surfing public on should be counted as real words. If Urban Dictionary words could be included in Scrabulous then I'd win every time.

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