Monday, November 5, 2007

Doubting Thomas

Well actually it wasn't a Thomas, it was someone else who works in one of the markets - you know who you are...

"I don't have any faith in you, I mean Ford of Europe, delivering this on time." - (s)he said.

"Good point." I said "I can see where you're coming from, but we feel we're different (in so many ways) to other projects you may have encountered."

"Have you built anything yet?" they asked.

"Er no, but we hadn't planned to at this point in time." I replied.

"I'd be willing to place a bet that this project will be late." (s)he responded.

Now I know what's it's like to sit in the market and receive the product of the Ford of Europe machine. I know not everything is delivered when originally planned. I also know what it's like to work in Ford of Europe trying desperately to make things happen, according to the plan.

But wasn't it Henry Ford that said "History is bunk."? What has happened before doesn't need to have any bearing on our future. And, by the way, we are still on track to deliver on time.

Maybe I'm naive. I know I'm an optimist (which can be a curse). But I still think this is possible.

Would I put money on it? I don't bet.

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