Monday, January 21, 2008

In the thick of it

OK, New Year, new boss. What's changed?

Well not much actually, but give Dave a chance, he barely has his toes under the table.

Last week I sat in on some Fatwire training. Fatwire is the engine behind ENGInE if that isn't too complicated. It's the platform/software/language upon which ENGInE is being built.

Dee, who took the course, probably got a bit fed up with me. I kept asking questions. I know it's quite difficult to shut me up at the best of times but we kept going off at tangents because I wanted to know about this, that and the other.

The good news is that I wasn't bluffing when I told all of you that the new Content Management Tool would be more user friendly and more efficient.

You see when I told you all that I was relying on information given to me. I hadn't seen the tool, except for a brief presentation from a Fatwire salesman, and we all know how reliable sales people are.

It is far more flexible than Firefly.

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